A Board Resolution is a formal document issued by the shareholders of a company to authorize specific actions or decisions, such as amending the Memorandum of Association (MOA). This resolution serves as a crucial step in corporate governance, outlining the powers and authorities granted to make changes to the company’s foundational document. Here’s a comprehensive guide on drafting, notarizing, and translating a Board Resolution for amending the MOA, along with how Petra Legal Translation can assist in this process:

Drafting the Board Resolution:

  1. Start by stating the full name and legal status of the company, along with its registered address.
  2. Clearly specify the decision to amend the MOA, providing details such as the proposed changes, rationale behind the amendments, and any legal considerations.
  3. Outline the specific provisions of the MOA to be amended, ensuring clarity and precision in the language used.
  4. Include provisions for the approval process, such as the majority vote required from the shareholders or the board of directors, in accordance with the company’s bylaws and applicable laws.
  5. Detail the powers and authorities granted to the individuals or entities responsible for executing the amendments to the MOA.
  6. Conclude the resolution with the date of issuance and the signatures of the shareholders or their authorized representatives.

Limit of Powers and Authorities:

The Board Resolution should clearly define the scope of powers granted to those responsible for amending the MOA. This may include limitations on the extent of changes that can be made, ensuring consistency with the company's strategic objectives and legal obligations.


Once drafted, the Board Resolution should be notarized by a licensed notary public to authenticate its contents and legality. Notarization involves the acknowledgment of the signatures on the document by the notary, along with the affixation of an official seal. This step adds credibility to the resolution and ensures its acceptance by relevant authorities and third parties.

Legal Translation:

If the Board Resolution is in a language that stakeholders do not understand, it should be translaIf the Board Resolution is in a language that stakeholders do not understand, it should be translated into a language they comprehend. Petra Legal Translation offers professional legal translation services, ensuring accurate and legally compliant translations of the Board Resolution. Certified translators proficient in both the original language and the target language ensure that the translated document maintains its legal validity and effectiveness.ted into a language they comprehend. Petra Legal Translation offers professional legal translation services, ensuring accurate and legally compliant translations of the Board Resolution. Certified translators proficient in both the original language and the target language ensure that the translated document maintains its legal validity and effectiveness.

How Petra Legal Translation Can Help:

Petra Legal Translation specializes in providing high-quality legal translation services for various documents, including Board Resolutions for corporate governance matters. With a team of experienced translators and legal experts, Petra ensures accurate translation of the resolution while adhering to legal standards and requirements. By entrusting the translation to Petra, companies can ensure that their Board Resolution for amending the MOA is accurately understood and recognized by all relevant parties, facilitating seamless communication and legal compliance.